
Stefan Samko
Prof. Dr. Stefan Samko (ssamko@ualg.pt)
Academic Degrees:
- Doctor of Science, Moscow Steklov Institute,1978
- Candidate of Science(PhD), Minsk, USSR, 1967.
Professional Experience and Education:
- 2011-present Professor Jubilado, Universidade do Algarve.
- 2003-2005 President of Mathematical Department, Universidade do Algarve.
- 2002-2011 Full Professor, Universidade do Algarve.
- 2000-2002 Invited Associate Professor with Aggregation, Universidade do Algarve.
- 1995-2000 Invited Associate Professor, Universidade do Algarve.
- 1988-1996 Chair of Differential and Integral Equations, Rostov University.
- 1979-1981 Dean of Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Rostov University.
- 1979-1996 Full Professor, Rostov University.
- 1967-1979 Associate Professor, Rostov University.
- 1965-1967 Assistant Professor, Rostov University.
- 1964-1965 Post graduate student, Rostov University
- Four published monographs
- More than 230 research papers
- Scientific adviser of 21 defended doctoral theses
- Member of Editorial Boards of International Scientific Journals
- Referee at various International Mathematical Journals
- Winner of the Fulbright Grant
- Awarded by the International Cultural Diploma of Honour by the American Bibliographical
- Honorary Member of Ukranian Academy of Sciences of Superior School
Membership in Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals:
- 1974-Present: Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Izvestia Vuzov. Matematika (Russian), published in English by Springer as "Russian Mathematics"
- 1992-Present: Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal "Integral Transforms and Special Functions"
- 1998-Present: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
- 1998-2000: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences".
- 1999 - present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute"
- 2007 - present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Journal of Mathematical Inequalities"
- 2008 - present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Armenian Journal of Mathematcs"
- 2009 - present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA)"
- 2009 - present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences"
- 2011 – present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Communications in Mathematical Analysis
- 2011 – present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics"
- 2012 – present : Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Abstract and Applied Analysis"
- 2014 - present: Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences
Organization of Conferences, Workshops and sessions on Congresses:
- 1978-1994: Member or Chairman of Organizing Committee of various conferences in the Soviet Union
- 1997: Organizer of the Session "Function Spaces and Their Applications" at the 1st Congress of ISAAC (International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computations), University of Delaware, USA
- 1999: Organizer of the Session "Function Spaces and Their Applications" (International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computations) University of Fukuoka, Japan, August 16-21
- 2001-2002: Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference FSORP-2002, Madeira (http://fsorp.digiways.com).
- 2002-2004: Chairman of the International Programme Committee of the Workshop FDA-04, Bordeaux (http://www.lap.u-bordeaux1.fr/fda04/) .
- 2004-2005: Organizer of the session "Variable exponent analysis and applications" at the 5th Congress of ISAAC (International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation), 25-30 July, 2005, University of Catania
- 2006-2007: Organizer of the session "Spaces of Differentiable Functions of Several Real Variables and Applications" at the 6th Congress of ISAAC, 13-18 August, 2007, Ankara, Middle East TechnicalUniversity
- 2008-2009: Organizer of the session "Spaces of Differentiable Functions of Several Real Variables and Applications" at the 7th Congress of ISAAC, July 13-18, 2009, London, Imperial College London
- 2009-2010: Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Summer School and Workshop HART-2010 (Harmonic Analysis and Related Topics), Lisbon, IST, June 21-25, 2010.
- 2009-2010: Organizer of the session Integral Equations and their Applications at the ICNPAA 2010 World Congress 8th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos (SP), Brazil, June 30, 2010 July 3, 2010
Invited Speaker:
- WOAT 2006 , September 1-5 (Workshop Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications- Satellite Conference to International Congress of Mathematicans, Madrid, 2006),
- May 27 - June 03, 2008, XVI Intern. Conf. "Mathematics, Economics, Education" and Vth Intern. Symposium: Fourier series and Applications, Rostov State University, Russia, "Moryak"
- Sept. 2-5, 2008, Workshop on Variable Expon. Anal. and Related Topics, A.Razmadze Inst. and Georgian Techn. Univ.,
- October 3-5 of 2008, II Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Badajoz (Spain)
- August 22-24, 2008, Workshop FSDONA-2008, Helsinki (Finland)
- September 18 –19, 2008: On Variable Exponent Trends in Fractional Calculus. “Fractional Flows Workshop”, Univ. of Warwick, Coventry, UK
- September of 2010: Boundedness of weighted singular integral operators on Carleson curves in Grand Lebesgue spaces” at the Session-Workshop “Analysis, Inequalities and Homogenization Theory and Applications" of ICNAAM-2010
- June 1, 2011 : Grand Lebesgue spaces on sets of infinite measure. Summer School and Workshop ”New Function Spaces in PDEs and Harmonic Analysis”, Naples
- June 17, 201: Spherical fractional integrals and their application to a problem of aerodynamic Workshop on Fractional Calculus, Swansea.
- September 12-18, 2011: Grand Lebesgue spaces, 6th International Conference AMADE-2011 dedicated to the memory of A. A. Kilbas
- September 18–24, 2011: Classical operators of Harmonic Analysis in variable exponent Morrey type spaces”8th International Conference FSDONA 2011
- September 26-31, 2011: Grand Lebesgue spaces, International Conference on on Spaces, Weights and Variable Exponent Analysis, Barcelona
- May 27-June 1, 2012: Operators of harmonic analysis in generalized Morrey spaces, VII International Symposium “Fourier series and Applications”, Southern Federal University, Russia
- September 17-21, 2012: “Operators of Harmonic Analysis in Some Non-Standard Function Spaces”, Summer School: “New Trends and Directions in Harmonic Analysis, Fractional Operator Theory, and Image Analysis”, Technische Universitat Munchen
- 2013, May 28-31: International Conference on “Actual Problems of Mathematics and Informatics|” , Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan
- 2013, June 2-5: Morrey function spaces are closely embedded between vanishing Stummel spaces. “Modern methods and problems of operator theory and harmonic analysis and their applications, II”, Southern Federal University, Russia.
- 2013, August 8-11: Variable exponent Morrey and Herz function spaces. ISAA 9th Congress, Krakow, August 6-11,
- 2014, April 28-30: Variable exponent Hardy and Carleman-Knopp inequalities.
“Modern methods and problems of operator theory and harmonic analysis and their
applications, III”, Southern Federal University, Russia.
Research Projects:
- 1998-2001: Coordinator of the Grant N 98-01 00261 of RFFI (Russian Funds of Fundamental Investigations) at the Rostov State University, Russia.
- 1999-2002: Coordinator of the grant of FCT (Lisbon) under the Programme PIDDAC "PRAXIS XXI", BCC, 18977, 98
- 2000-2002: Coordinator of the grant "Luso-Britanica" of CRUP
- 2007-2008: Coordinator of the International INTAS (Brussels) Project "Variable Exponent Analysis", N 06-1000017-8792, including 4 teams (Finland, Portugal, Georgia, Azerbaijan)
- 2009-2011: Coordinator of the Project "Application of the theory of
hypersingular integrals to image recognition in problems for
composite materials" under the Russian Federal Targeted Programme
"Scientific and Research-Educational Personnel of Innovative Russia"
Long Term Visiting Professorship :
- FULBRIFGT Scholar at University of New Haven, USA, September 1992- September 1993.
- Visiting Professor at the University of Algarve Portugal, January 1995-July 1995
- DAAD Scholar at the Freie Universitat Berlin October-December 1995
- GRANT of London Mathematical Society for lecturing and research at universities of UK
(England, Wales and Scotland), May-June 1997
- Reviewer: in "Zentralblatt fur Mathematik" since 1969, in "RZMat" since 1970, in "Mathematical Reviews" since 1971.
- 1980-2000: Chairman of the Council conferring Scientifical Degrees in Mathematics at the Rostov State University
- From 2003: Coordinator of the research group "Harmonic Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications" (Algarve Group) of the research center CEMAT of Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon
List of Publications includes more than 230
items. Some of the papers published recently are the following:
Characterization of the variable exponent Bessel potential spaces via the Poisson semigroup
(with H.Rafeiro), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 365 (2010) 483-497
Boundedness of the maximal, potential and singular operators in the generalized variable
exponent Morrey spaces (with V. Guliev and J. Hasanov), Math. Scand. 2010, vol. 108,
Potentials in generalized Holder spaces over uniform domains Rn (with L. Diening), Revista Matematica Complutense,
Vol. 24, No 2, 2011 , 357-373.
Fractional integrals and hypersingular integrals in variable order Holder spaces on homogeneous spaces (with N.Samko and B.Vakulov),
J. Funct. Spaces Appl., 2010, vol. 8, no 3, 215-244.
PDO approach to singular integral operators in weighted variable exponent Lebesgue spaces on Carleson curves (with V.Rabinovich),
IEOT, Vol. 69, no 3, 405--444 , 2011
Variable exponent Campanato spaces (with H.Rafeiro), J. Math. Sci., Vol. 172, No. 1, 143—164, 2011
On Iwaniec-Sbordone spaces on sets which may have infinite measure (with S.Umarkhadziev), Azerb. J. Math.,
V. 1, No 1, 67-84, and V. 1, No 2, 143-144, 2011
Boundedness of weighted singular integral operators in Grand Lebesgue spaces (with V.Kokilashvili), Georg. J. Math.,
Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 259–269, 2011
The Wiener Algebra of Absolutely Convergent Fourier integrals)(with Liflyand and R.Trigub), “Analysis and Math. Physics”,
Vol. 2, no 1, 1-68, 2012.
Morrey-Campanato spaces: an overview (with H.Rafeiro and N.Samko).Oper. Theory, PDE and Math. Phys. , Operator Theory:
Advances and Applications (Birkhäuser), vol. 228, 293—324, 2013
Potential operators in generalized Holder spaces on sets in quasi-metric measure spaces without the cancelation property.
Nonlinear Analysi: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol. 78. 2013, 130—140.
L.-E. Persson and S.Samko. A note on the best constants in some Hardy inequalities,
J. Math. Inequal., 2015
H. Rafeiro and S. Samko. Riesz potential operator in continual variable exponents
Herz spaces, Math. Nachr. Online 2014