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Participation in Jury of PhD

Doctor Theses (the highest degree in the two-level system of scientific degrees in the fSU)

  • PhD Theses. Shamsutdinov, M.M. Rostov State University, January, 1971
  • PhD Theses. Rode, L.O. Rostov State University, January, 1972
  • PhD Theses. Tuzik, A.I. Bielorussian State University, Minsk, 1973, June 29
  • PhD Theses. Derbenev, V.A. Rostov State University, 1975, November
  • PhD Theses. Peleshenko, B.I. Rostov State University, 1975, December 12
  • PhD Theses. Lebedev, A.V. Bielorussian State University, Minsk, 1980, May 13
  • PhD Theses. Elizarov, A.M. Kazan State University, 1980, May 29
  • PhD Theses. Karelin, A.A. Odessa State University, 1980, June 27
  • PhD Theses. Ashirov, R.A. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1980, September 27
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Kokilashvili, V.M. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics, Tbilisi, 1981, September 18
  • PhD Theses. Latushkin, Yu.D. Odessa State University, 1982, March 12
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Gadzhiev, A.D. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, 1982, July 10
  • PhD Theses. Rakhimov, R.M. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1982, December 22
  • PhD Theses. Guliev, V.S. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1983, June 22
  • PhD Theses. Nguen Tiu Than. Bielorussian State University, Minsk, 1983, October 11
  • PhD Theses. Yatsko, S.I. Odessa State University, 1984, June 8
  • PhD Theses. Zabello, I.N. Bielorussian State University, Minsk, 1985, March 12
  • PhD Theses. Vasiliev, V.B. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1985, May 29
  • PhD Theses. Davtyan, A.A. Armenian State University, Yerevan, 1986, March 21
  • PhD Theses. Didenko, A.V. Odessa State University, 1986, April 11
  • PhD Theses. Gabidzashvili, M.A. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics, Tbilisi, 1986, June 20
  • PhD Theses. Peschanskii, A.I. Odessa State University, 1987, January 13
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Terekhin,A.P. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, 1987, April 9
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Kravchenko, V.G. Kiev State University, 1987, April 14
  • PhD Theses. Khachatryan, G.Kh. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1987, May 20
  • PhD Theses. Mironova, S.R. Kazan State University, 1987, October 8
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Goldman,M.L. Novosibirsk Institute of Mathematics, 1988, June 16
  • PhD Theses. Gogatishvili, A.S. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics, Tbilisi, 1988, November 18
  • PhD Theses. Mardiev, R. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1989, May 10
  • PhD Theses. Bostanov, R.A. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1990, June 27
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Guseinov, E.G. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1990, October 19
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Abdullaev, S.K. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1990, October 26
  • PhD Theses. Abdullaev, M.G. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1991, June 26
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Guliev, V.S. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1994, May 19
  • PhD Theses. Luis Castro. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 1998, June 8
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Rzaev, R.M. Azerbaidjan State University, Baku, 1998, June 10
  • Doctor of Sci. Theses. Jerbashian A.M. Erevan State University, Erevan, 2000, June 27
  • PhD Theses. Juan Rodrigues. Algarve University, Faro, May, 2002.
  • PhD Theses. Maria Teresa Alzugaray Rodriguez Algarve University, Faro, September, 2002.
  • PhD Theses. António Bravo Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, October 17, 2003.
  • PhD Theses. Luíz Pessoa Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, January 10, 2006.
  • PhD Theses. Maria do Carmo Martins Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, February 17, 2006.
  • PhD Theses. Rui Carlos Marreiros Algarve University, Faro, October 13, 2006.
  • PhD Theses. Ana Conceicao Guerra Algarve University, Faro, December 11, 2007.
  • PhD Theses. Maria Sofia Fernandes de Pinho Lopes University de Aveiro, Aveiro, July 28, 2009
  • PhD Theses. Anca Marcoci Lulea University of Technology, Swedeen, March 19, 2010